

Sort by:
Reach RS2+
GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RS2+
Время работы:16 ч. как LTE RTK ровер / 22 ч. в режиме статика
Габариты:126x126x142 mm
1,325,000 T
Array (76)
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id_1c => null
name => "Reach RS2+"
summary => "GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RS2+"
meta_title => "Reach RS2+ - купить в Алматы в интерн..."
meta_keywords => ""
meta_description => "Купить Reach RS2+ в республике Казах..."
description => "<p><strong>Reach RS2+</strong> &mdash..."
contact_id => "1"
create_datetime => "2023-08-22 11:37:13"
edit_datetime => "2024-09-27 09:57:29"
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    643 => "ГЛОНАСС L1OF, L2OF"
    644 => "BeiDou B1I, B2I"
    645 => "Galileo E1-B/C, E5b"
  tochnost_statika_plan_vysota => "4 mm+0.5 ppm / 8 mm+1 ppm"
  tochnost_ppk_plan_vysota => "5 mm+0.5 ppm / 10 mm+1 ppm"
  tochnost_kinematika_plan_vysota => "7mm+1ppm / 14mm+2ppm"
  dostupnye_chastoty => Array (1)
    1038 => "До 10"
  obmen_dannymi => Array (6)
    638 => "Радиомодем LoRa 868/915 MHz"
    652 => "Bluetooth 4.0/2.1 EDR"
    653 => "RS232"
    654 => "USB-C"
    887 => "GSM/GPRS модем - 4G"
    1016 => "Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n"
  protokoly_obmena_dannymi => Array (2)
    1093 => "Поправки - NTRIP, RTCM3"
    1094 => "Позиционирование - NMEA, LLH/XYZ"
  formaty_popravok => "NTRIP, VRS, RTCM3 NMEA, LLH/XYZ"
  pamyat1 => "Встроенная 16Гб"
  vibro_udaro_stoykost => "Падение с высоты 2м, устойчив к механ..."
  po_i_upravlenie => Array (1)
    1090 => "Emlid Flow"
  formaty_syrykh_dannykh => Array (1)
    574 => "Rinex"
  akkumulyator => "LiFePO4 6400 mAh, 6.4 V"
  vneshnee_pitanie => "6–40 V"
  vremya_raboty => "16 ч. как LTE RTK ровер / 22 ч. в реж..."
  vlagopylezashchita => "IP67"
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    edit_datetime_ts => null
    url_crop => "/wa-data/public/shop/products/89/03/3..."
  1094 => Array (16)
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    url_crop => "/wa-data/public/shop/products/89/03/3..."
Still have 2.000 qty
Reach RX
GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RX
Время работы:до 16 часов
Габариты:172x51x51 mm
1,059,000 T
Array (76)
id => "390"
id_1c => null
name => "Reach RX"
summary => "GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RX"
meta_title => "Reach RX - купить в Казахстане в инте..."
meta_keywords => ""
meta_description => "Купить Reach RX ☛ Большой выбор геоде..."
description => ""
contact_id => "1"
create_datetime => "2023-08-22 12:29:41"
edit_datetime => "2024-09-27 09:57:29"
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    642 => "GPS/QZSS L1C/A, L2C"
    643 => "ГЛОНАСС L1OF, L2OF"
    644 => "BeiDou B1I, B2I"
    645 => "Galileo E1-B/C, E5b"
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    1097 => "Позиционирование - NMEA"
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    url_crop => "/wa-data/public/shop/products/90/03/3..."
Still have 2.000 qty
Reach RS3
GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RS3 (UHF+IMU)
Время работы:16 ч. как LTE RTK ровер / 22 ч. в режиме статика
Габариты:126x126x142 mm
1,589,000 T
Array (76)
id => "391"
id_1c => null
name => "Reach RS3"
summary => "GNSS-приемник Emlid Reach RS3 (UHF+IMU)"
meta_title => "Reach RS3 - купить в Казахстане в инт..."
meta_keywords => ""
meta_description => "Купить Reach RS3 в республике Казахст..."
description => "<p><strong>Reach RS3</strong> &mdash;..."
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create_datetime => "2024-02-14 17:29:43"
edit_datetime => "2024-09-27 09:57:29"
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video_url => null
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    643 => "ГЛОНАСС L1OF, L2OF"
    644 => "BeiDou B1I, B2I"
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  tochnost_ppk_plan_vysota => "5 mm+0.5 ppm / 10 mm+1 ppm"
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    887 => "GSM/GPRS модем - 4G"
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In stock a few item